Eco Sphere Academy APS

Innovative Standards for a responsible sustainability
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Eco Sphere Academy APS

The global reference in environmental certifications against plastic pollution

Eco Sphere Academy APS (ESA) is the global reference in environmental certifications against plastic pollution. Composed of certification experts, environmental activists and sustainable solutions specialists, ESA is dedicated to promoting responsible and conscious behaviour through innovative, effective and impactful certification schemes.
Certification Bodies

Schemes Management

Eco Sphere Academy designs and manages innovative standards to promote environmental sustainability. It works closely with leading organisations and experts to create and update certification schemes that meet global market needs and environmental challenges. It uses a scientific and experiential approach to ensure that our standards are based on the latest research and best practices, ensuring that they are rigorous, applicable and sustainable in the long term.

Research and Development

Eco Sphere Academy is committed to investigating the environmental impact of plastics, available solutions and the effectiveness of certification schemes. It collaborates with academics, researchers and experts to investigate the Carbon Footprint of single-use plastics and evaluate the best solutions to reduce CO2 emissions. Promotes a scientific and data-driven approach to ensure that plastic reduction strategies are effective and sustainable, sharing the latest findings with certifying bodies and civil society.
Eco Sphere Academy runs innovative certification schemes designed to guide companies in their transition to a plastic-free world

Plastic Free Certification - Management System

The Plastic Free Management System is our ideal standard for companies committed to the elimination of single-use plastics. This scheme is particularly relevant for the HORECA sector (Hotels, Restaurants, Catering) but is applicable to any organisation.
Standard - Management System (PDF)


  • Effectiveness: We propose a methodology that guarantees a concrete and progressive reduction of plastics on target supply chains.
  • Recognition: Collaboration with prestigious brands and global visibility.
  • Calculation of CO2 reductions: An online platform for monitoring processes to facilitate the management of organizations undergoing certification and to calculate the CO2 savings achieved.
  1. Plastic Assessment: Initial assessment of single-use plastics used.
  2. Plastic Reduction Plan: Development and implementation of a plastic reduction plan.
  3. Monitoring of reductions. 4. Audit and Assessment: Verification of compliance and assignment of a progress grade (E to A).

Certified organizations

Among others, we mention the restaurants Mirazur (FR), Atelier Crenn (US), Art (Singapore), Gucci Osteria (IT), the One and Only Royal Mirage (UAE) and Flocons de Sel (FR) hotels, and Moet & Chandon's Chateau de Saran accommodation.

Plastic Free Certification - Event

The Plastic Free Event Certification testifies to the environmental sustainability of events that significantly reduce the use of single-use plastics. Based on a 16-point specification, this standard is ideal for any kind of temporary initiative run in an ethical and responsible manner.
Standard - Event (PDF)

Plastic Free Certification - Product

This tool, developed in collaboration with Control Union UK and Race for Water, refers to the material contents of single products to be certified. This Standard is addressed to every company that wants to promote the sustainability of individual products, including their packaging, or innovative substances and materials, free from plastics.
Standard - Product (PDF)


Depending on the products’ characteristics, it is possible to obtain one of the following certifications:

  • Plastic-Free Material (for materials and substances without polymeric components)
  • Plastic-Free Packaging (for packaging without polymeric components)
  • Plastic-Free Product (for finished and packaged products without polymeric components)
  • Conventional Plastic-Free Material (for materials and substances without polymeric components of fossil origin; bioplastics are allowed)
  • Conventional Plastic-Free Packaging (for packaging without polymeric components of fossil origin; bioplastics are allowed)
  • Conventional Plastic-Free Product (for finished and packaged products without polymeric components of fossil origin; bioplastics are allowed).

Laboratories for product testing (download PDF)

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Eco Sphere Academy

Leading the Fight Against Plastic Pollution with Innovative Certifications
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Eco Sphere Academy APS
Via F. Turati 147, Giulianova (TE)